Exchanging Our Fear For God’s Hope
During church camp over the summer, the preacher, Jimmy Peper, talked all about exchanging what we have for what God has. Every time we allow our junk to be traded for God’s goodness, we reap the blessings of the Lord. Today, I want to talk to you about how important and impactful it is to exchange our fear for God’s hope.
365 times throughout Scripture, “fear not” is commanded; I don’t think it’s a coincidence that there are 365 days in a year. Continuously, we should remind ourselves not to fear, for God has literally given us enough reminders in His Book for every single day. To get to the basis of fear, it’s “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause threat or pain”. And while I don’t doubt you’ve experienced things that make you feel in danger, in pain, or threatened, I know that God is bigger than anything or any feeling.
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is an encouraging example of how Jesus truly does have the power and authority over everything; nothing can conquer Him. The story is told in the Gospel of Mark, chapter four, verses 35-41. Jesus was on the boat with His disciples and He instructed them to go over to the other side of the water; they left the crowd in their boat and a few other boats went alongside them (v35-36 ). After a little while, a storm broke out and high waves began crashing into their boat, filling it with water (v37). Jesus’ seat was in the stern of the boat, the place where it’s steered, controlled, and operated. Although Jesus wasn’t exactly steering, instead He was sleeping on a cushion (v38). Nervously, His disciples woke Him and asked, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (v38).
This is the ultimate cry of panic, doubt, and confusion. The disciples had no clue what Jesus was thinking, and maybe even interpreted His rest as a lack of care. It’s easy to fall into the same thought process of fear and distress when we stay focused on the situation we’re facing. I’ve been in countless situations where I insisted on figuring things out my own way instead of allowing God to carry my burdens and provide me with His hope. I’ve doubted if He was listening, if my problems mattered to Him, or if He was even awake and acknowledging me. But Jesus reveals His strength and awareness to the disciples and you and I in verse 39. “He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be Still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm” (v39). He then asks the disciples why they were so afraid, and where their faith is (v40). This amazed the disciples, so much so that the Bible says they were terrified to see that even the wind and the waves obey Him.
With Jesus, there is no hopeless situation. Whatever you’re wrestling with can be redeemed and taken care of by the Creator. Whether it be shame, money, friends, drugs, sexual immorality, or simply an anxious soul, I encourage you to leave it at the Feet of Jesus.
<3 Julee